915 42 37 50
915 42 37 50
Yucatan & Campeche
Des de 1.423 €

Yucatan & Campeche

Paquet de vacances
Creat: dissabte, 20 de juliol del 2024
Ref ID: 8005374
preu per persona Des de
1.423 €
Basat en 2 adults
Creat: dissabte, 20 de juliol del 2024

Day 1: Cancun

Arrival at Cancun International Airport. Transfer to hotel Quinta Inn or similar. Lodging.

Day 2: Valladolid

Cancún - Tulum - Cenote - Valladolid
Breakfast and departure for the first archaeological zone that we will visit during this tour, the famous Tulum, which is facing the Caribbean Sea. Continuation to Valladolid with a stop in a cenote to have a refreshing bath and to have lunch. In the afternoon arrival at Valladolid and accomodation.

Day 3: Uxmal

Valladolid - Loltun - Uxmal
Breakfast and departure to Uxmal passing by the picturesque villages and its main avenues. First stop of the day will be the caves of Loltún, the oldest and the greatest of Yucatan. Lunch in a local restaurant. Arrival at night to Uxmal and assistance to the light and sound show in the archaeological zone. Overnight at the Hotel or similar.

Day 4: Campeche

Uxmal - Campeche
Breakfast and departure to the archaeological zone of Uxmal, one of the most important sites, a vestige of the Mayan civilization. Continuation to Campeche and lunch in a local restaurant. On arrival visit to the city still surrounded by old walls and towers that still preserve a strong colonial style. Accommodation.

Day 5: Merida

Campeche - Celestun - Merida
Breakfast and departure to Celestún, a natural reserve with its famous mangroves and pink flamingos. After the excursion by boat, lunch at a local restaurant. Continuation to Merida, famous as the White City, and visit of the Zócalo, the Cathedral, the palace of government, the municipal palace and the House of Montejo. Accommodation.

Day 6:

Merida - Chichen Itza - Cenote Chukum - Riviera Maya o Cancun
Breakfast and departure to Chichen Itza, probably the most famous among Mayan archaeological sites, with its famous pyramid of Kukulkan. Lunch at a local restaurant. Continuation to the Riviera Maya with a stop at the cenote Chukum. Arrival in Cancun or Riviera Maya and lodging at the hotel of your choice (not included). Possibility to add sea extension at the end of the tour.

preu per persona Des de
1.423 €
Basat en 2 adults
Resum del viatge
2 Adults
nits 5
Aquesta idea inclou
Destinacions 5
Allotjaments 5
Tours 1
Resum del tour
- Alojamiento en hoteles mencionados o similares (4 estrellas)
- Desayuno Americano diariamente en todos los hoteles
- 5 almuerzos
- Transportación en van/autobús con aire acondicionado
- Guia en Español
- Entradas a los sitios arqueológicos y museos mencionados en el programa
- Maleteros
- Cenas y comidas no mencionadas en el programa
- Bebidas y gastos personales extras en hoteles y/o restaurantes
- Propinas a Guías y Chóferes
Allotjaments previstos
- Hotel Quinta Inn
- Meson del Marques Hotel
- Hacienda Uxmal Hotel
- Plaza Hotel
- Del Gobernador Hotel

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